Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Civil War Homework #1

The war created an atmopshere in this country that had not been seen since the revolution. This atmosphere allowed individuals to express themselves in various ways. One such man, George Frederick Root (1820-1895) became one of nations most famous composers and from the age of 6 to the age of 18 he lived right here in North Reading. He would spend time training around the globe and would compose dozens of songs. Root would be inducted inthe Song Writer's Hall of Fame in 1970. Root is buried on Chestnut Street in the Harmony Vale Cemetary.

During the Civil War Root had over 35 hits. You will listen to two of these songs and comment on what you believe to be the message of the songs. Are they patriotic, anti war? What about the song leads you to these conclusions?




WE will use this blog to continue conversations from class and begin new ones. Topics will include information covered in class as well as current events. Remember treat this space as if it were in the classroom, respect everyone!!